Beam dynamics calculations of rings and transport lines. Emphasis is on proton accelerators.
See ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter 30, page 100 for description of capabilities.
Detailed strip foil interaction and injection painting models; single particle tracking through a wide selection of lattice elements by symplectic maps or alternatively by 1st or 2nd order MAD matrices; RF focusing and acceleration models; 1D longitudinal, 2D transverse, or 3D space charge; longitudinal and transverse impedances; magnet alignment, field, and higher order multipole errors; a dynamic self-consistent electron cloud model; apertures and collimation models; and a wide selection of diagnostic routines.
Accelerators for which this code was/is used :
SNS Ring and transfer lines, PSR, CERN-PS, Fermilab Booster, KEK JPark rings, Indiana CIS
Benchmarking against other codes :
Successful benchmarks with ACCSIM, SIMPSONS, ESME, and others: for more information, see PAC05 paper MOPC003 by Ingo Hofmann, et al
Benchmarking against accelerator experiments :
Extensive successful benchmarks with PSR and with CERN-PS see for example :
"Space Charge Induced Resonance Excitation in High Intensity Rings", S. Cousineau, S. Y. Lee, J. A. Holmes, V. Danilov, and A. Fedotov, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 6, (2003), 034205. URL:
"Resonant Beam Behavior Studies in the Proton Storage Ring", S. Cousineau, J. A. Holmes, J. Galambos, A. Fedotov, J. Wei, and R. Macek, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 6, (2003) 074202.
"Space-Charge-Sustained Microbunch Structure in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring", S. Cousineau, V. Danilov, J. A. Holmes, and R. Macek, Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 7, (2004), 094201. URL:
"ORBIT Benchmark of Space-charge-induced Emittance Growth in the CERN PS", Sarah M. Cousineau, Jeffrey Alan Holmes, and Elias Métral, in Proceedings of the European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC04), Lucerne, Switzerland, 2004.
Special programming features :
Shell script user interface using SuperCode. Plans exist to replace SuperCode by a Python user interface.
Comments :
Documentation of ORBIT is out of date, but the authors are accessible and glad to help.
See also this ORBIT page with a standard (old) compressed tar file with the source code.