Simulate beam-electron cloud interactions and instabilities in circular accelerators; goal is to provide high-fidelity via parallelized particle-in-cell model with arbitrary initial cloud distribution specified all along the ring.
1) a moving simulation window that follows the beam
2) the code separates 3-D from 2-D time scales and reduces computation time by a huge amount
3) it uses the local nature of wake equations to form 3-D wakefields from a sequence of 2-D Poission solves.
Accelerators for which this code was/is used :
PEP-II Storage Ring at SLAC;
Main Damping Ring at the Next Linear Collide;
TESLA Damping Ring;
Fermilab Main Injector
Benchmarking against other codes :
Benchmarking against accelerator experiments :
Special programming features :
The code is fully parallel
Comments :
Pipelining is in progress, which when done, will potentially speed up the program by a factor of about 100