3-D, R-Z (axi-symmetric), X-Y (slice), electrostatic with cut-cell for internal conductors and Adaptive Mesh Refinement(AMR);
multi-species, models for generation and dynamics of electron clouds and gas, particle emission of solid and plasma sources;
models for beamline elements at various levels of details with MAD-like syntax, warped coordinates for bends; steerable via Python interface, customizable GUI.
Accelerators for which this code was/is used :
Heavy Ion Fusion program: High-Current Experiment (HCX), Neutralized Transport Experiment (NTX), source test end (STS500), merging beamlet experiment [see http://hif.lbl.gov/VNLresearch.html]. Other applications: Large Hadron Collider (LHC), Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test (DARHT), University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER), RIA front-end VENUS, Michigan State small ring, PPPL Paul trap, LBNL/UC Berkeley multipole trap.
Benchmarking against other codes :
Benchmarking against accelerator experiments :
HCX, NTX, STS500, VENUS, UMER, PPPL Paul trap.
Special programming features :
Scripting language interface, user steerability, GUI, code maintains own runtime database, restartable through dump file.